Saturday, July 14, 2012

FinishYear… Again

Here are my revamped FinishYear Goals:

  • Finish losing 50 pounds by December 31, 2012. 
Still a goal of mine.  I hit the big 4-5 next January and I really want to meet this goal.  We are eating cleaner thanks to Wildtree and I am cooking and shopping regularly again. 

  • Finish starting an online eBay store as a fun little side "business."  I have already made my first thrift store purchase with eBaying in mind!  
Revamped!  I am doing some HR Consulting for a small business with about 14 employees.  Luckily this will be an ongoing job for awhile.  It is not super study, but has been profitable so far.  And, I started selling Wildtree natural food products at the end of June.  I am working on stepping out of my comfort zone and telling people what I sell.  I am excited about Wildtree and everyone can benefit from our products.

  • Finish learning to knit and make dish clothes for Christmas presents.  
No progress here, but still potentially a goal…not sure yet.
  • Finish rereading Proverbs over and over and over in 2012. 
Revamped!  Chief and I are going to start doing a devotional/study together.  
  • Finish praying consistently the daily prayers for my kids.  
Doing OK with this one.  These short prayers on on my fridge so I see them every day.  I am not super consistent but this is one I have done with some regularity.
  • Finish writing at least one handwritten note to someone each month.  
No progress here, but still something I want to accomplish.  

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Where Have I been?

Well, it seems I have commitment issues.  Mentally I committed to blogging more regularly… ahhh nope.  I committed here to Jon Acoff's FinishYear idea and updating regulary… ahh, nope again.  

But wow, the end of the school year hit, we have traveled, I committed to take on the team manager role for my daughter's soccer team (which is way more than coming up with a snack schedule and team party) and I started a new business.  It really has been a whirlwind of a few months.  So here is a simplified recap of the last few months:

1.  We moved my Mom to a dementia care facility at the end of April.  What a surreal thing to do.  She, in God's mercy, was at a point in her disease that she did not really recognize the move.  She has agitated and sad at first, but now seems comfortable and safe.  My Dad has been her safety net and thankfully the caregivers have become that for her.  Honestly the most difficult part is to see the transition for my Dad.  He is on his own in almost 50 years.  His wife is gone as if she has died, but she is still here living among us.  Dad is making his way, getting out and doing things he has not been able to do for quite awhile.  My only regret is I don't live closer.
2.  We traveled to California as a family to see my nephew graduate.  It was a really quick trip - lots of driving, but it was good to see my mom and the family.
3.  I took Soccer Girl to Seattle for a soccer tournament.  I am so thankful that Chief's parents came to help out with Little Man and Lizard.  Oh my what a chaotic trip it would have been if I had to take them with us.  It was good to travel with just Soccer Girl.  But there was no alone time.  Maybe another trip…
4.  I came across Wildtree a few months ago while surfing the Internet.  I had never heard of this company before.  After I clicked over to their website I was intrigued.  Wildtree is a direct sell company with an all natural food line that are made WITHOUT dyes, preservatives, fillers, MSG or high fructose corn syrup.  They allow you to make healthy homemade meals in the fraction of the time.  I mentioned what I discovered to Chief and wondered if this was something I could get into.  What is in our food has been a topic of interest of mind for some time… especially since we have had a gluten free diet for Lizard and have to watch food dyes and high fructose corn syrup for Little Man.  I pondered if the home party business was for me and kind of put it out of my mind.  Then within a two week time frame I can across Wildtree two more times, completely unrelated to the first time I had discovered it.  I was paying attention now God.  I contacted the company and after tasting some of their products I jumped in.  I am an official Wildtree Representative.  I am really excited about this opportunity.  It is a way to help people focus on healthy homemade food… I am excited about cooking again.  I can help people make easy meals that taste great without all the junk the food companies put into our normal grocery store items.  Plus there is a potential to add to our monthly finances from home... which is a must for me.  So click over to my website and take a look.  Let me know what you'd like to try.  I know you won't be disappointed. 

So those are the highlights.  I'll try my best to update more regularly.  And, I'll revamp my FinishYear goals.