Here are my revamped FinishYear Goals:
- Finish losing 50 pounds by December 31, 2012.
Still a goal of mine. I hit the big 4-5 next January and I really want to meet this goal. We are eating cleaner thanks to Wildtree and I am cooking and shopping regularly again.
- Finish starting an online eBay store as a fun little side "business." I have already made my first thrift store purchase with eBaying in mind!
Revamped! I am doing some HR Consulting for a small business with about 14 employees. Luckily this will be an ongoing job for awhile. It is not super study, but has been profitable so far. And, I started selling Wildtree natural food products at the end of June. I am working on stepping out of my comfort zone and telling people what I sell. I am excited about Wildtree and everyone can benefit from our products.
- Finish learning to knit and make dish clothes for Christmas presents.
No progress here, but still potentially a goal…not sure yet.
- Finish rereading Proverbs over and over and over in 2012.
Revamped! Chief and I are going to start doing a devotional/study together.
- Finish praying consistently the daily prayers for my kids.
Doing OK with this one. These short prayers on on my fridge so I see them every day. I am not super consistent but this is one I have done with some regularity.
- Finish writing at least one handwritten note to someone each month.
No progress here, but still something I want to accomplish.